Rafting for Father's Day

This past weekend over Father's Day was the first time we have done a multi-day raft trip with just the four of us, just our family. It went spectacularly.
We have done multi-day trips before, just not with only us. Going with other people definitely is one of the fun aspects of trips like these, but there is something also very enjoyable about keeping it simple, just our family.
Ever since we got our raft, I have slowly, piece by piece, been assembling the equipment necessary for doing a trip like this. Granted, we still have a couple of items to really round out our kit, but there is quite a bit of satisfaction in everything working well.

The best part about the trip is how the boys are adapting to this as a very familiar environment. They are starting to really understand how to help with the boat and around camp. The first night they set up the tents and inflated the air mattresses without any suggestion from us. Wyatt wanted to do the chopping and sauté the vegetables for tacos the second night, and Jesse, fetching needed supplies out of the cooler, easily walked around the boat as it was floating in the river...like an experienced boatman. It really was fun to see.

The boys' river skills are progressing as well, which makes it much easier to to a lot more river activities. This trip is a perfect example. Jesse paddled most of the class III rapids on the Deschutes with little issue in the Aire Spud the boys share. Already he understands how to read water fairly well, and does an admirable job of squaring up to waves and pulling through them.

Overall, it was a great trip, one I hope is the beginning of many more trips to come!